Ligue 1
A few days out from the beginning of the 2018-19 Ligue 1 Conforama season, the LFP has launched new signature 'The League of Talents' to encompass its biggest strength, new status and ambition.
This signature is also an acknowledgement of and homage to the profusion and diversity of talented people on, off and around the pitch in the French game.
La Ligue 1 Conforama is at a turning point in its history.
- In sporting terms, Ligue 1 Conforama is at a crucial crossroads. The overall level continues to improve season after season. A renowned generator and developer of young talent, Ligue 1 Conforama can also attract talent from elsewhere. The proof: 91 internationals and 50 players in the recent World Cup who came up through a French youth academy; and 21 of the 23 World Cup-winning Bleus who cut their teeth at Ligue 1 Conforama clubs - eight of whom will be playing in France in the coming season.
- Ligue 1 Conforama is also at a crucial juncture in terms of international appeal and competitiveness. Thanks to dynamic clubs and a stable, healthy economical environment, Ligue 1 Conforama is attracting new investors that allow clubs to bring in - and retain - talented players and renowned coaches.
- Ligue 1 Conforama is also at an economic turning point, bridging the gap with its competitors in terms of broadcast rights with record responses to the tender of 29 May. France's top flight is now on par with the biggest leagues.
Nathalie Boy de la Tour, LFP President
"Ligue 1 Conforama is currently going through a crucial stage in its development. Its uniqueness is expressed through the capacity to develop and attract young talents. Above and beyond those who take the field, however, this 'The League of Talents' signature also looks to underline the talent of the coaches, trainers, educators, supporters, club employees and volunteers who make Ligue 1 Conforama France's number one live entertainment attraction."
This signature will be present on all Ligue 1 Conforama-related content (television, web, social media and press advertising).Didier Quillot, LFP Chief Executive
"This new signature is an echo of the excellence of French football and speaks to the quality of our product, Ligue 1 Conforama. 'La Ligue des Talents' will be branded as 'The League of Talents' in international markets with the aim of increasing Ligue 1 Conforama's appeal even further in growing international markets."
The LFP hopes that this signature will be much more than just a signature. 'The League of Talents' will be a guiding principle that will steer the LFP's various actions in terms of promotion and corporate social responsibility and which will manifest in a series of initiatives to be launched over the course of the season.
Tai kad nereikia mums startinio LB. Silva pakankamai neblogai sužaidė praėjusį sezoną, taip kad tokio prabangaus pirkinio nebuvo prasmės pirkt, kai yra kitų pozicijų, kurias reikėjo stiprinti. Rennes, Nice, Bordeaux logikos daugiau buvo jį patargetint, bet man atrodo pats Roussillon norėjo čempionatą pakeisti.
Kol kas on fire Ligue 1. 7 rungtynės, 26 įvarčiai, po 3,7 įvarčio per rungtynes. Nimes gerą comeback'ą dėjo. Iš 3-1 į 3-4 prieš Angers išvykoje, o išlyginamąjį ir pergalingą įvartį pelnė būdami 10-yje. Kiti naujokai, Reims, apkartino Vieira debiutą laimėdami išvykoje 0-1. Lille įrodė, kad bus rimta komanda 3-1 įveikdami Rennes.
Viena akim užmečiau, tai pasakysiu, kad Vieira atėjo į Nice labai dodgy momentu. Greičiau jau leistu už Seri ir Plea gautus eurus, nes žaidime tokios skylės, kaip pas senos porno aktorės tarpkojyje. Šiandien dar ir Balotelli nebuvo. Tai vaizdas bendrumoj liūdnas. Nes Reims ant kontrų galėjo rezultatą laisvai didinti. O patys progas rado tik labiau dėl varžovų klaidų.
Šiaip tai jei ką, tai ir praeitame sezone buvo on fire. Tarp top5 lygų pagal average goals aplenkė Premier League ir La Liga, o nusileido tik Bundesligai. O kadangi ten tik 18 komandų, tai Ligue1 žiūrovai matė daugiausia golų ant Europos.
LEquipe žurnalistas J-P. Rivere sako, kad kitą savaitę ateis Modeste ir Maolida. Čia atitikmuo į Balo ir Plea pozicijas. Maolida pagal žaidimą man net labai primena Plea ir aš jo šiaip nenorečiau matyt išvykstančio, nes potencialo užaugt į gerą žaidėją tikrai turi. Bet jam reikia žaidimo laiko, o Lyone toj pozicijoj tiršta.
Modeste puikiai pažystamas, o kažkada Vokietijoj jis buvo net toks:
Balotelli į OM dar ne done deal tol, kol Nice nesusiras pirma jam pakaitalo.