[AFC] Treneris/Trenerių štabas ir Vadovybė

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viskas apie klubo valdybą.
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Daug kalbu, kad Usmanova visi uzkniso ir anas ruosias parduot savo akcijas Kroenke. Net kazkaip sunku butu vertint is fano puses, nes apart kalbu Usmanovas nieko nepadare ( aisku jam priklause nelabai daug akciju lyginant su Silent Stan), bet ir Kroenke nelabai zavi savo susidomejimu Arsenalu. Jam mes atrodo, kaip koks jo eilinis jo zaisliukas tarp jam visu priklausanciu sporto komandu.
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:arrow_up: Man jis visada buvo ir išliko enigma. Wenger laikais sunku buvo suprast, kas kam vadovauja, ar jis Wengerui, ar atvirkščiai. Faktas lieka, kad jis buvo pagr. vadovas visos neseniai vykusios reorganizacijos metu. Tai aš randu priežasčių šitą ėjimą laikyt silpnu, paliekant pačio pasamdytus žmones ir išmaunant kitur, bet jei jam kalnus pinigų ten pažadėjo tai tebūnie.
Jei apžvelgiant visus 10 metų, tai didžiausi jo darbo minusas buvo žymus pavėlavimas atliekant visą klubo reorganizaciją ir mažokos pajamos iš komercinių sutarčių lyginant su varžovais. Kadangi mano manymu šios dvi sritys yra kertinės, tai jo visą darbo laikotarpį vertinčiau labiau neigiamai nei teigiamai. Jis buvo labai panašus yra politiką, kuris moka itin gražiai pašnekėt ir pažadų pridalint, bet realių veiksmų neatlieka ar jos atlikdamas stipriai pavėluoja.
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Emery paklaustas apie Wenger laikus labai taktiškai stengdavosi apie juos atsiliept iki šiol, arba pozityviai, arba neutraliai. Per rinktinių langą Ispanijos spaudai davė atviresnį interviu:




Pilnas interviu:
Why do you think you were chosen by Arsenal? You weren’t the only candidate.

As Ivan Gazidis explained on the day of the presentation, I was on a list of eight candidates they were going to interview. Thanks in part to Arturo Canales (his now agent), they insisted I was the best candidate of all.

How did you convince them?

Teams had always made approaches to me with a decision made: PSG, Sevilla, Valencia, Spartak, Almeria … I wasn’t used to being another candidate and presenting my arguments. I prepared with my technical staff. I went in with doubts about my English, but they always told me this wouldn’t be a problem. I spoke to them naturally that day.

And then the appointment.

These days it’s very difficult that a coach stays 22 years (like Wenger). They had to move all the chairs in every aspect of the club. Not because of previous negligence, but to stimulate everyone again. Shake things up, sweep under carpets, open the windows, but in a positive way. I once learned from Javier Irueta (former player and coach for Real Sociedad, Athletic Bilbao, Deportivo and more), that if they ask you for change you have to do it, so I started to elaborate on my ideas.

Did you speak to Arsene Wenger about the handover?

No about the team. I met once with him, and little else. I respect him a lot, but no matter how much information he gave me, I had to change things. I told the players ‘We start at the zero kilometer mark!’ Even now, four months later, I still say it: “We are at the beginning.”

Is it true that you’ve added more gym work to training?

Here, there’s a High Performance team that continues that work. I changed details such as putting a gym next to the training pitches to make the transfer from there closer. Just methodology. The same ideas as before remain.

What about the myth that you replaced juice with water? More weight control? Are they just stories in the press?

There were food habits to be improved. Together with the nutritionist and the physical trainer we agreed to remove juices with sugar, but it’s normal. It’s what I do at home. Eat sugar-free, less fat, healthier food. That’s it.

You do seem like a detailed technician.

It makes me laugh every time they tell me. Once a Chinese coach came to see us in Seville, and he said it a lot. “Unai, I was impressed by how well you work the details”, he told me. It stayed with me, and I said to myself, “Well, this can be something positive!”.

But, it can also be a negative, which is to say, it can be heavy, to want to influence the players a lot … then, I don’t know. What I do is work. I start with the 90 minutes, analyse coverage, how we occupy spaces etc, and then I transfer it to video and I teach the players.

Do they understand?

I believe there are times when a player must express himself. It’s about the balance between this and the ‘famous’ details.

Your Arsenal confuses me: sometimes you have the ball, other times you counter-attack. How do you define it yourself?

Before Wenger, Arsenal celebrated the 1-0 and it was based on defensive solidity. With Arsene the joy was in attack, with high quality players. The perfect combination was the Invincibles, but over time only technical quality and offensive freedom were taken care of, losing the defensive structure. What I want is to unite both essences and be more competitive. Arsenal was in decline, we had to stop it and start climbing.

Has that climb begun already?

I want to create a team that knows how to play with spaces, to be able to counter-attack with or without spaces, looking to generate them with a pause. We are in that now: creating an idea, a style, to be competitive. We’re coming from an Arsenal that didn’t win against the top 6, and this season we haven’t done that yet, but it was also difficult for the team to win away from home which we have already improved.

Are Arsenal considered a step below the top four of City, Chelsea, Liverpool and Sp*rs?

We can improve this team. I will demand that. I am delighted with the way the club treats everything, but I want them to be demanding of me because I will press the club. I want to make demands of myself, the team and the club. The Premier League is not the same as it was 20 years ago when City and Chelsea were half teams, and Everton were strong. The money from outside has changed everything. And Arsenal has to be big, not let the top four get away from us, and not let those below us catch up.

Let’s talk names: it took a while to put Lucas Torreira in the starting line-up. Why?

You have to respect the hierarchies. If we sign Leno, but Cech is playing well, you have to respect that. Petr was first choice. The same thing happened with Guendouzi and Torreira who arrived later (due to World Cup etc). I stuck with the first one, who I love, although right now he’s not playing and Lucas is.

You’re playing with two forwards: Aubameyang and Lacazette. This wasn’t usual for you before.

We’re in a process. It will work for one match, but not for another. You have to look for answer. I love analysing them. When I left Valencia I told the president I was more an analyst of coaches than an analyst of players. I don’t have time to watch players. I am more tactical. Wenger was, for example, someone who saw more pure football, much more of the player.

You’re 16 games without defeat, in all competitions. What does it mean?

That we’ve got a lot left. We’ve had four draws in our last five games and we need to give the team a push now. I’ve spoken with my team during the international break. Our goal is finish in the top four but it’s not easy. It’s harder and harder to get there. Against Liverpool everyone was happy but we only drew. That’s not sufficient.

English football is more complicated than other leagues. True or false?

Maybe, because almost all teams have one or two players of top qualify, because of their economic power. The best come here with the exception of Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern, PSG, Juve and a few others. And the best coaches come every time: Pep, Klopp, Mourino, Sarri, Pochettino …
Geras interviu. Gavau atsakymus į kelis klausimus, kurie buvo iškilę sezono pradžioj.
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Arsenal manager Unai Emery says gangster drama Peaky Blinders is helping him perfect his English.

The Spaniard says he watches the BBC series, set in Birmingham after the first World War, to relax.

But the West Midlands accent has proven tricky for the former Paris St-Germain boss.

"It [Peaky Blinders] is good but it is difficult [to understand] from Birmingham. And it's very aggressive. But it's good, it's good," Emery said.

Emery who replaced Arsene Wenger at the Emirates Stadium in the summer, has also taken language courses to improve his English.

And when he is not watching TV dramas as a learning aid, he is watching his other passion - football.

The 47-year-old, who speaks in English at his news conferences, said: "In each profession, you need to feel passion for that in order to give it your best performance. Football is my passion.

"It's my work, but I don't think every day that it is my work, it's my best hobby. I feel very big the passion. I am doing my work with my desire."
Gerą skonį Emery turi :handgestures-thumbup:
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tikiuosi tai gandas, bet jeigu tiesa - we are fucked
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:arrow_up: pasidalinsiu su visais, kad jau nepatingėjau ant nuorodos paspausti - čia svarbus Arsenalo scoutas.
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Yeaahh, vienas is dalyku del kuriu buvau kinda hyped, tai musu head scoutas. Tuoj liksim ir be jo.. Kas toliau idomu?
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Pradedu galvot, kad Netflixe gerai susižiūrėtų serialas apie Arsenal nūdienos reikalus. Valdžioj tai tikri Game of Thrones vyksta, trūksta tik drakonų. AFTV publika yra white-walkeriai.
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According to club sources, Sanllehi, the former director of football at Barcelona, favoured a recruitment policy based on his extensive network of contacts throughout Europe, while Mislintat had been tasked by Gazidis to follow the kind of analytical and stats-based approach that saw 19-year-old midfielder Matteo Guendouzi join from French second-division club Lorient and 22-year-old Uruguay international Lucas Torreira arrive from Sampdoria.

Contrary to some reports, Mislintat and Arsenal manager Unai Emery have enjoyed a very good working relationship, sources have told ESPN FC, with mooted interest in Mislintat from Bayern Munich also not having played a part in the backroom upheaval either. However, the German's position has been further undermined by the club's willingness to appoint a technical director, a move that would amount to a de-facto demotion.
Greitu metu nebus jau 2 žmonių iš 3, kurie kartu susėdę priėmė sprendimą nusamdyt Emery. Lyg yra bandoma į technical director postą paskviest buvusį žaidėją Edu, kuris dirba Corinthians klube ir Brazilijos rinktinėj.
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BBD ant sito klubo vadovybes.
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Gazidžio ankstyvas pabėgimas sezono vidurį visą šitą iššaukė. Mislintat buvo pakviestas jo inciatyva, aišku jam buvo pridalinta pažadų susijusių su jo ateitimi Arsenale ir jo pareigomis. Gazidį pakeitęs žmogus - Raul Sanllehi nemato jo tokiose pareigose ir pažadų netesi. Gandai sklinda, kad yra kalbama apie technical director pareigas. Mislintat nenori būt tik head scoutu, kuris būtų pavaldus naujam pasamdytam žmogui(praktiškai būtų pažemintas pareigose, kadangi tarp jo ir Emery atsirastų nauja papildoma grandis). Tikėjosi būti paaukštintas, bet jo kandidatūra nelabai ir buvo svarstoma naujos valdžios. Dairomasi į išorinius kandidatus - Edu, Overmars. Kol kas tik šie du žmonės yra paminėti spaudoj.

Mislintat turėtų pakeist ir head scoutu tapt Francis Cagiago, kuris jau ilgai dirba klube ir kurio dėka buvo pasikviesti tokie žaidėjai kaip Fabregas, Bellerin, Lauren ir t.t.

Mislintat išėjimas yra aukšto lygio specialisto praradimas. Kiek ženklus bus tas praradimas pasimatys ateityje.
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Monchi irgi yra tarp kandidatų į TD vietą.
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Arsenal have finalised a deal to bring Monchi to Arsenal. He will join on 30th June. [Marca]
Nežinau ar tikrai jau viskas sutarta, bet akivaizdu, kad Monchi yra pagr. kandidatas į technical director poziciją.
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Vau. Būtų gana keista ir netikėta. Tuo labiau, kad prie šito visa eilė buvo išsirikiavusi.
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Atrodo, kad Monchi Arsenale nebus. Vietinė spauda rašo, kad sugrįš į Sevilla.
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Oficialu Monchi grįžo į Sevilla. Įdomu kas pas mus ateis
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