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Furis wrote: 25 Mar 2019, 09:14 BBC su savo lazy journalism vis dar sako, kad stadionas kainavo milijardą, nu bet nieko, kažkada ir jie pasitaisys.
Čia kas įeina į visą Northumberland Development Project:
Tottenham Hotspur Stadium – the stadium is an enclosed asymmetric bowl with a capacity of 62,062, and it includes a single-tier stand with 17,500 seats influenced by Borussia Dortmund's Signal Iduna Park.[78][79] It incorporates a fully retractable grass pitch over a Turf Nation synthetic turf pitch to be used for NFL games as well as other sports, concerts and events.[80] In order to enhance the atmosphere on match days, the stands are placed closed to the pitch with the north and south stands just 5 metres (16.4 ft) away, and the stadium is designed with good acoustics in mind.[81][82] The south stand, the 'Home End', features a 5-storey atrium. It also offers separate facilities for football and NFL players, with dedicated entrance for NFL in the east stand. Four LED screens are placed in the stadium, the two in the south are the largest of any stadium in Western Europe.[83] The stadium is intended to be active all year round with visitor attractions such as a Sky Walk that allows visitors to climb to the roof of the stadium. Some car parking is provided underneath the stand and in the basement.[80][84]

Tottenham Experience – it incorporates the Grade II listed Warmington House which serves as the club museum, and new buildings that will serve as an arrival hub and visitors centre, and will include a cinema, club store, ticket office and café.

Lilywhite House – the Tottenham Hotspur club headquarters

Other ancillary club buildings – the Paxton Building to the northwest of the stadium will be the ticket office.[86] The Northern Terrace, a row of Georgian houses on the north west corner of the site would be restored and renovated, with Percy House used as the home for the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation.

Public spaces – this includes a large public open space on the south podium that incorporates a multi-use games area with five-a-side pitches, food stalls and cafes, and the redevelopment of the High Road for improved crowd management.

Housing – 585 new homes including affordable housing, to be built in 4 towers ranging in height from 16 to 32 storeys.

Sports centre – an extreme sports venue, including the tallest indoor climbing wall in the world and an indoor dive tank.

Hotel – a 180 bedroom hotel with 49 serviced apartments on the upper floors.

Community facilities – a new community health centre.

Retail spaces – the Sainsbury's supermarket with parking space forms part of the Lilywhite House, with club offices above it.[91] The club shop which forms part of the Tottenham Experience would be the largest club shop in Europe.[92] The megastore would feature a 100-seat auditorium and a 36-screen video wall that may be used for events before and after football matches.[93] Another store will be located in the ticket office Paxton Building.

Education establishments – A college, the University Technical College, was initially located in the Lilywhite House. It specialised in sports, science and health in partnership with Middlesex University. But in September 2017 it was replaced by the London Academy of Excellence Tottenham.[94][95] A primary school, Brook House Primary School, run by the E-ACT Free Schools Trust in partnership with the Department for Education and the club was built in a nearby site.
Dabar prasidės paskutinė projekto dalis - viešbučio, medicinos centro ir gyvenamų namų statybos. Kas esat buvę šitoje Londono vietoje, tie žinot, kad ten tikrai ne gražiausias Londono rajonas. Tai šitas visas projektas yra kokio tai 20 metų rajono atnaujinimo plano dalis, kuri turėtų prikelt rajoną naujam gyvenimui. Pagal pradinį planą, kai Northumberland Development Project bus pilnai executintas, tai sukurs ~3500 reguliarių darbo vietų, tai skaityk čia vietinio Šimašiaus ar vietinio Zuoko svajonė.

Tad bus labai įdomu po kelių metų pamatyti oficialius skaičius, kiek konkrečiai kainavo stadionas (jeigu tai apskritai įmanoma), kiek kainavo aplinkiniai dalykai ir kiek realiai pats klubas turi įsipareigojimų. Dabar skaičiai sukasi aplink 650 milijonų svarų, t.y. tiek klubas pasiskolino per du kartus.
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Pimpalų matavimosi rubrika:


Tik siūlau įsiskaityti į parašymą kairėje, kad čia matuojamas didžiausias atstumas. Pvz naujoji didžiulė south stand tribūna yra arčiau nei nurodytas atstumas. Kaip suprantu, tas atsiliepė Emiratų atmosferai, kurie didžiausią tribūna nukišo toliau, nei kitos. Spurs stadiono atveju didžiausia tribūna yra tarp arčiausiai aikštės esančių.

Šitie duomenys iš The Times. Žmonės sako, kad arčiausiai aikštės daugumą fanų turi Old Trafford, Anfield ir Vicarage Road. Gal tamstos turit pasikėlę kokius tai popierius ir žinot, kaip yra iš tiesų? Viskas ką randu, tai straipsnius apie atmosferą, bet ne konkrečius fachtus.
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Maikės naujame sezone bus bene tokios pat:






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Šiandien Levy per spaudos konferenciją pasirašė sutartį su AIA. Sutartis galios iki 2027 metų, 8 metus dar turėsim AIA ant marškinėlių, žodžiu. 40M per metus, tai 320 bendrai. Kiek girdėjau, panašiai gauna ir Arsenalas su Chelsea iš savo Fly Emirates/Yokohama.
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Kažkada buvau rašęs apie Spurs ir žydų ryšį bei apie itin populiarų stadione žodį "Yid". Wiki šitą terminą apibūdina kaip:
The word Yid (/ˈjiːd/; Yiddish: ייִד‎)is a Jewish ethnonym of Yiddish origin. It is used as an autonym within the Ashkenazi Jewish community, and also used as slang by European football fans, anti-semites, and others. Its usage may be controversial in modern English language. It is not usually considered offensive when pronounced /ˈjiːd/ (rhyming with deed), the way Yiddish speakers say it, though some may deem the word offensive nonetheless. When pronounced /ˈjɪd/ (rhyming with did) by non-Jews, it is commonly intended as a pejorative term. It is used as a derogatory epithet by antisemites along with, and as an alternative to, the English word 'Jew'.[1]
Tai išsireiškimas ant popieriaus gal ir yra kiek kontraversiškas, betTottenham Hotspur kontekste jis yra visiškai teigiamas. Tačiau visais šitais tolerantiškais laikais, kažkam tai nepatinka, kažkas nepasidomi istorija, kažkas susireikšmina, ir iš to išplaukia vemalai. Klubas išsiuntinėjo daugeliui fanų (ir visiems ST turėtojams) apklausas, kur gražia forma paklausė, ar tikrai reikia šito žodžio, gal kažkaip, xi xi xa xa, paimam ir nebenaudojam šito žodelio, nes penkios sielos stadione dėl to nesijaučia komfortiškai. Fanai dėl šito nesupyko - vieni pasijuokė iš absurdiškumo, kiti nusprendė paaiškinti klubui ir kitiems, kas bendro tarp Spurs, žydų ir "Yid, Yid" šūkių stadione:


:clap: :clap: :clap:
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[mention]Furis[/mention] kai twitterio paveiksliuką keli, nutrink galūnę ":large" ;)

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The Athletic sako, kad Spurs, kaip ir buvo planuota, refinansuoja 400mln iš visos 637mln svarų paskolos:
Tottenham Hotspur have started to spread the financial burden of their new stadium by refinancing more than £400 million of bank debt.

Spurs borrowed £637 million from Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and HSBC to pay for their £1 billion new stadium that opened in April. That bank facility was initially due to be paid back by April 2022.

But Bank of America has launched a new private placement scheme to turn roughly £400 million of that debt into bonds with staggered maturities ranging between 15 and 30 years. They reached out to institutional investors in the US with a conference call last week.

While this deal will not immediately decrease the level of Tottenham’s net debt, which is approaching £600 million, it will relieve the immediate pressure for Tottenham to pay the money back in less than three years’ time. The move also takes advantage of low interest rates in the US and puts the club’s finances on a stable long-term footing.

This arrangement follows up on a commitment that the club made in the financial update released in October 2018. That statement, which revealed the club had increased its bank facility from £400 million to £637 million, alluded to a re-financing programme this year.

“Working with our Banking Partners and our financial advisor, Rothschild & Co, we shall be converting this development facility, which currently expires in April 2022, into notes with a mixture of debt maturities,” Spurs said last year. “The residual amount of gross debt to be converted or extinguished will depend on a number of factors including several commercial discussions.”

Spurs’ arrangement has been compared to Manchester United’s May 2015 refinancing, when the Red Devils raised $425 million of bonds through a private placement scheme. Private placements are typically available to borrowers of a higher credit quality, and so both Tottenham and Manchester United benefited from having an investment grade rating. That has allowed them to borrow over a longer period of time, and at lower interest rates. In contrast, Italian sides Inter Milan and Roma have recently had to issue high yield bonds instead, with shorter maturities.

Tottenham Hotspur and Bank of America both declined to comment.
Man vis dar nepatinka, kad visas Northumberland Development Project yra prilyginamas stadionui, o po to prilyginamas milijardui. Bet aš ne finansų žmogus, labai gali būti, kad čia esu neteisus, ir šitoks prilyginimas yra teisingas.

Prie to paties galima užsiminti apie NFL/amerikietiško futbolo temą, kas neabejotinai padidino stadiono kainą (kiek - niekas nežino). NFL prie stadiono statybos prisidėjo kukliais 10mln svarų, o dabartinis kontraktas su jais sako, kad NFL šiame stadione rengs minimum du mačus per metus. Kiekvienas toks į Spurs biudžetą suneš dar maždaug po vieną milijoną. Visame paveiksle čia labai kukli pagalba, bet skaitant The Athletic/titofootball susidaro įspūdis, kad čia tik įžanga. Levy/Spurs čia eina į naują teritoriją, tai sky is the limit. Kad 10 metų sutartis bus pratęsta, abejonių jau dabar nebėra. O Tottenhamo marketingas dabar savo rankose turi naują didelį įrankį (ne, ne guminį penį) derybose pritraukiant NFL/Ameriką.
The bottom line is that this new stadium will cost Tottenham an awful lot of money and part of the expense has to do with the NFL-specific facilities. In the long run, though, they should be able to make this a profitable move. It is an exciting and an innovative project for a Premier League club and Spurs, and Daniel Levy, should be commended for taking this step out into the unknown. But, it has to be repeated, this is a step into the unknown.
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Tik šiandien oficialiai išleista trečia apranga. Daugeliui, atrodo, patinka, aš pats kai nieko apie grožį nesuprantu, tai susilaikysiu.


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Su trečiom aprangom bus debiutuota pirmose ČL rungtynėse, prieš Olympiakos išvykoje.
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Spurs fanų atstovai užvakar viešai davė klausimų klubui, lygai ir policijai dėl rasistinio incidento su Rudiger - jei buvo rasistinių šūkių, tai įvardinkit juos ir baninkit tai dariusius velniop, bet jei nebuvo, tai tegu būna grąžintas geras Spurs fanų vardas šiuo klausimu. Klubas šiandien oficialiai pareiškė, kad nieko nebuvo rasta:
The Club and the Metropolitan Police have now exhausted all avenues of investigation following the reported incident at our home fixture against Chelsea on 22 December.

We carried out extensive reviews of CCTV images and footage, working with professional lip readers. All materials and reports have now also been reviewed by the police who have carried out their own investigation.

The police have notified us today that, having reviewed and investigated, they have closed the crime report as they can find no evidence to support the allegation of racial abuse.

We fully support Antonio Rudiger with the action that he took - however there is no evidence to corroborate or contradict the allegation and as such neither ourselves nor the police are in a position to take any further action.

We are fiercely proud of our anti-racism work and our zero tolerance of any form of discrimination. This is one reason why we have attributed so much time and resource to investigating this matter. Had we identified anyone guilty of this we were intent on issuing them with a lifetime ban from our stadium as they would have no place among our proud, diverse fan base.

If any new information comes to light, this will be fully investigated.
Labai gerai.
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Atsitraukiant nuo kasdienių bėdų, užmačiau įdomų komentarą, kuris turi logikos piešiant didelį paveikslą. Didelis paveikslas - potencialus klubo pardavimas.
  • Stadionui tuoj bus metai, bet vis dar niekam nėra parduoti naming rights;
  • Didžiulis fokusas į NFL: papildoma aikštė, keli NFL mačai per metus, NFL investicija į stadioną;
  • Įvykdyti abu dideli, ilgalaikiai tikslai: treniruočių kompleksas ir stadionas. Visas rajonas aplink stadioną kelis metus dar bus tvarkomas, bet nėra jokių naujų, klubo iškeltų strateginių tikslų;
Jei sėkmingumą vertinsi ne tik pagal titulus, tai brandas atrodo smarkiai išaugo, klubas turi high-profile žaidėjų, didelė fanų bazė, didžiuliai nauji NT pamatai. Klubas išsilaiko pats, skola (įsipareigojimas) yra tik už stadioną. ENIC group, nusipirkę klubą prieš beveik 20 metų, yra pelno siekiantys investuotojai, per tą laiką klubo vertę pakėlę ~5 kartus. Geresnio laiko pardavinėti savo paaugintą investiciją nelabai rasi, klausimas tik ar yra norinčių.

Brėžiant platų kainos rėžį, norint nusipirkt Tottenham Hotspur, šiandien turėtum mokėti 1 - 1.5 mlrd svarų. Ir NFL dalykai kažkodėl sufleruoja apie Uncle Sam.
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Furis wrote: 06 Mar 2020, 12:28 Atsitraukiant nuo kasdienių bėdų, užmačiau įdomų komentarą, kuris turi logikos piešiant didelį paveikslą. Didelis paveikslas - potencialus klubo pardavimas.
  • Stadionui tuoj bus metai, bet vis dar niekam nėra parduoti naming rights;
  • Didžiulis fokusas į NFL: papildoma aikštė, keli NFL mačai per metus, NFL investicija į stadioną;
  • Įvykdyti abu dideli, ilgalaikiai tikslai: treniruočių kompleksas ir stadionas. Visas rajonas aplink stadioną kelis metus dar bus tvarkomas, bet nėra jokių naujų, klubo iškeltų strateginių tikslų;
Jei sėkmingumą vertinsi ne tik pagal titulus, tai brandas atrodo smarkiai išaugo, klubas turi high-profile žaidėjų, didelė fanų bazė, didžiuliai nauji NT pamatai. Klubas išsilaiko pats, skola (įsipareigojimas) yra tik už stadioną. ENIC group, nusipirkę klubą prieš beveik 20 metų, yra pelno siekiantys investuotojai, per tą laiką klubo vertę pakėlę ~5 kartus. Geresnio laiko pardavinėti savo paaugintą investiciją nelabai rasi, klausimas tik ar yra norinčių.

Brėžiant platų kainos rėžį, norint nusipirkt Tottenham Hotspur, šiandien turėtum mokėti 1 - 1.5 mlrd svarų. Ir NFL dalykai kažkodėl sufleruoja apie Uncle Sam.
Allardycas nebėdnas, bet nemanau, kad įpirktų.
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  • Levy alga nemažinama;
  • Žaidėjų algos nemažinamos;
  • 550-ties mažiausiai uždirbančių žmonių klube atlyginimai kerpami 20%;
  • Likusius 80% staffo atlyginimams milijardinės vertės klubas ims iš valstybės.
Elsewhere in Europe, Barcelona players are taking a 70% pay cut and will make additional contributions to ensure non-sporting staff receive full wages.

Juventus players and manager Maurizio Sarri agreed to freeze their pay for four months, while German sides Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund, have also agreed to take pay cuts.
Sheffield Wednesday, Burnley staffui mokės 100%.
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Phect wrote: 01 Apr 2020, 22:33 https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/52105337
  • Levy alga nemažinama;
  • Žaidėjų algos nemažinamos;
  • 550-ties mažiausiai uždirbančių žmonių klube atlyginimai kerpami 20%;
  • Likusius 80% staffo atlyginimams milijardinės vertės klubas ims iš valstybės.
Elsewhere in Europe, Barcelona players are taking a 70% pay cut and will make additional contributions to ensure non-sporting staff receive full wages.

Juventus players and manager Maurizio Sarri agreed to freeze their pay for four months, while German sides Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund, have also agreed to take pay cuts.
Sheffield Wednesday, Burnley staffui mokės 100%.
The Athletic rašo, kad Levy savo algą susimažins, nes jis irgi yra non-playing staff. Dėl valstybės
In his statement, Levy confirmed that this will be done by using “where appropriate, the government’s furlough scheme” which allows staff who are not working to claim 80 per cent of their wages, to a maximum of £2,500 per month.
Dėl žaidėjų algų, tai čia jau akmuo į žaidėjų daržą. Paimtų pavyzdį iš kitų lygų bei susitartų visi draugiškai kažkiek nukirpt. Nereikėtų staffui mažiai mokėti ir iš valstybės imt.
Spurs situacija nėra lengva. Stadiono paskola, daug transferų neapmokėtų iki galo, daug eventų nusikėlė naujam stadione, Poch kompensacija taip pat.
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Phect wrote: 01 Apr 2020, 22:33 https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/52105337
  • Levy alga nemažinama;
  • Žaidėjų algos nemažinamos;
Literally pirma tavo pasidalinto linko pastraipa sako, kad Levy susimažina ir savo algą.
Levy, who earned £7m last year - £4m in wages plus £3m for the completion of Tottenham's stadium move - is among the non-playing directors and employees at the club who will take a cut in salary, initially for April and May.
Bet jei žėt didesnį paveikslą, tai Levy čia smarkiai pasikiaulino. Buvo daug būdų kaip tą išspręsti, o pasirinko bene blogiausią. Soc medijos jau pilnos pamazgų ant Levy pavardės, tą buvo galima nuspėti, bet net ir ST turėtojai pradėjo laidyt komentarus, kad po tokios kiaulės bus nebenorinčiu pratęsti ST.
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PR dizasteris reversintas ir non-playing staff už balandį/gegužę gaus pilnas algas. Direktorių/boardo algų pakirpimas lieka galioti. Oficialiame pareiškime panaudotos labai jau vingiuotos frazės, bet klubas sako, kad artimiausiu metu nesiruošiama naudoti valstybės pinigais.

Bizariška, kad tai užtruko taip ilgai, bet bent jau sugebėjo reversint. Levy/ENIC prisidarė reputacinės žalos tiek sau, tiek klubui, įdomu ar/kaip tai atsilieps ateityje.

Spėju nebuvo vienos pagrindinės priežasties, spaudimas ėjo iš visų pusių. Bet labai norisi tikėti, kad viskas galutinai pajudėjo po oficialaus fanų klubo pareiškimo ir kritikos.
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Galvojau surašyti key pointus, bet visas tekstas labai informatyvus.
Tottenham Hotspur have moved to ease some of the financial pressure they face as a result of the coronavirus outbreak by borrowing £175 million from the Bank of England, The Athletic understands.

The north London club met a set of strict criteria to qualify for the government’s Covid Corporate Financing Facility (CCFF), which will provide an unsecured loan — repayable in full at a rate of 0.5 per cent — to give them financial flexibility and additional working capital during the crisis. Spurs estimate they may stand to lose more than £200 million of revenue in the period from the start of lockdown to June 2021.

The CCCF was set up on March 17 to support large credit-worthy companies affected by the pandemic. The Bank of England intends the scheme to be utilised as a way of assisting firms to bridge disruption to their cash flows.

It is only available to firms with an investment grade credit rating — the highest level of credit rating, which reflects at least an adequate capacity to meet financial commitments — and who make a material contribution to the UK economy.

Manchester United are thought to be the only other Premier League club who would be eligible for the CCFF scheme by virtue of having a formal credit rating from an agency. The CCFF is thought to have loaned more than £20 billion so far to around 100 companies, including EasyJet, Marks & Spencers and Greggs. The Bank of England is expected to confirm a list of the companies to have borrowed from it on Thursday afternoon.

Spurs satisfied the CCFF stipulations after they had £525 million of stadium debt refinanced last year. As first reported by The Athletic, Spurs confirmed in September that Bank of America Merrill Lynch and HSBC had helped to refinance the debt on the private placements market in the USA, over long maturities and at low-interest rates.

Under the scheme, the Bank of England has purchased £175 million of “Commercial Paper” — a short-term obligation sold from one company to another for immediate cash needs — from Tottenham. It is not free money, although it comes at a low, commercial interest rate.

Tottenham will have to repay the loan in April 2021, unless they re-draw it for another year, but the cash will assist in seeing them through what is expected to be a highly challenging period. The finance will not be spent on player transfers, with the club unlikely to have any budget for signings in the next window unless they sell.

In a climate of such uncertainty for football and the economy, Spurs view taking this loan as a prudent move that still gives them financial capacity and flexibility through the next year. The money will also enable Tottenham to continue supporting their local communities and stakeholders.

Throughout the coronavirus stoppage, the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium has been made available for North Middlesex Hospital’s women’s outpatient services. In the coming months — except when matches are taking place — it will continue to offer antenatal services, COVID-19 testing and a food hub. The antenatal facilities have been moved to the NFL section of the ground to free up medical rooms for use by football staff once fixtures resume.

Tottenham, like all football clubs, have seen their revenues severely impacted since coronavirus halted sport in mid-March. Manchester United, for example, made a £22.9 million loss in the last financial quarter. But Tottenham have been especially badly-hit given the money they expected to make through their new stadium.

Spurs have not played since they were knocked out of the Champions League by RB Leipzig on March 10 and have missed out on revenue from their postponed five remaining Premier League home games — including Manchester United and derbies against London rivals West Ham United and Arsenal. Last month, they announced a pro-rata refund for season ticket holders.

There is still uncertainty as to how much the Premier League’s rebate to broadcasters will cost its clubs, and at which point next season they can have paying fans back in the stadium. Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy is especially keen to explore new scientific and technological solutions — such as digital health passports and smartphone apps currently being worked on by start-up firms — that might help pave the way for fans to attend games.

As well as those postponed football matches, Spurs have lost out on huge sums from the cancellations of non-football events this year.

The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium was meant to host Saracens against Harlequins in Premiership rugby union in March, two Guns N’Roses concerts in May, Capital Radio’s Summertime Ball concert this weekend, Anthony Joshua’s world heavyweight title fight against Kubrat Pulev later this month, a night of Lady Gaga’s Chromatica Ball world tour next month, England against Australia in the rugby league Ashes in November, as well as two money-spinning NFL games this autumn.

Against such blows to income, Tottenham’s outgoings have still been significant in recent months. A decision to have some non-playing staff salaries paid by the government furlough scheme was reversed following widespread criticism, meaning the club have continued to pay those wages in recent months. And there has been no agreement with the players about a wage deferral or cut, with Levy waiting to assess the broader Premier League situation. The only cut has been to the salaries of the club’s board.

Before play was suspended, Tottenham were one of the most financially secure clubs in the Premier League.

Their accounts for last season, published at the start of the coronavirus crisis, announced that the club made a post-tax profit of £68.6 million for last season, with a pre-tax profit of £87.4 million, the highest in the league.
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Nuleakinti ir ne pirmą sykį naujo sezono namų bei išvykos, antrieji marškinėliai. Jau šio sezono man nepatiko, o dabar išvis tragedija atrodo. O išvykos gal ir nieko, bet kam tos ružavos juostelės? :confusion-shrug:

[media]https://twitter.com/HotspurRelated/stat ... 47714?s=19[/media]

Šitos aprangos buvo kažkas tokio dar visai neseniai:

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Jau parduotuvėse. Atrodo prastai, ant žaidėjų atrodo biški geriau, bet vis tiek meh. Away, atrodo, neblogai žiūrėsis ant žaidėjų.



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[media]https://twitter.com/thfcgianni/status/1 ... 37729?s=19[/media]

Rugpjūčio 31, amazon prime. Grab your popcorn
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